
May 28, 2014

Treasured | Bright & Bold

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Apparently I'm not the only one who loves the startling combination of retro red and aqua blue!
What do you think?  Love or despise this combo?  I want to know!

- Featured Item -


  1. One of my favorite color combinations! Thank you so much for listing my treasury!

  2. Love these colors! Did you see my latest google+ entry with the hat you made me? Red/white/Blue let the Summer begin!

  3. Very cute and vintage-y looking! I would wear an aqua polka dot dress (40's style), red lipstick, and red shoes in those exact colors :)

  4. Love, ever since... a blog I forgot the name of and lost the bookmark of in the change of computers. But the owner loved this combination, too.
    Come to think of it, I could search for it through the things she had up...
    All Sorts! I knew there was "All" in the title.


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!