
June 23, 2013

Sunday Style // Basic Beige

my bestie was making me laugh - thank you, dear. ;)

o u t f i t
beige shirt dress // eShakti
brown flats // thrifted
braided belt // Fred Meyer
German sheep brooch // gifted
Linking up with...

All I can say is, eShakti.
This was my first dress from them, and I would wear it every day if I could.  I really can't say enough good about this dress.  It's so comfortable, fits wonderfully, and I bought it from their overstock section.  And used the $25 GC I got for joining.  So it only cost me about *whispers* $15.  Eeep!!  The beige color, while not my first choice, is so versatile, and I love the 50s look!

: :

How was everyone's Sunday?  Mine was really nice.  Time spent with my family in Christ, laughing in the car with my bestie and bro, relaxing and watching Princess O'Rourke once we arrived home.  Yep, it was really nice.  Our pastor started a new series in church today, on the life/faith of Abraham.  The focus today was on the Lord's promises and instructions to Abraham, found in Genesis 11 & 12, and the faith he had in following His directions...although he didn't always obey right away.  The main point I went home with was that in order for His promises to be fulfilled, we need to seek Him first and fulfill our side of the promise.  I came away feeling refreshed and encouraged.  If the rest of the series is like today's sermon, then we're all in for a treat during these next months!                                               
Happy Trails, y'all!


  1. And I love the sheep!

    Sunday was great - I went to church again after a long time (being long ill is no fun in this respect) and it was so full of life - almost too much, with children who just would not stay still. :D
    The sermon was on John the Baptist (with the first reading being Paul's sermon in Antioch or whatever it's called in English); the main and last point (there were about five) I remember was that John was able to accept God's change, when Jesus - who was so different from John - came around.

  2. Cute dress! Very stylish and fun all wrapped up in that basic go anywhere any day color. And that sheep pin? Totally adorable in every way!

  3. I love your sheep brooch so much! This whole look is so fabulous on you.
    And what a wonderful day.

  4. Okay. That dress is so perfect! I love it. :) And I think the beige suits you. It's adorable.

  5. Ahh! That dress is so cute. <3

  6. $25 for joining! How did I not know that!? Love the dress on you:-)

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  7. Thank you ladies for you're sweet comments! It's unanimous - this dress is just plain cute! :)

    Hana-Marmota - I love my sheep pin so much:)
    I don't think there's anything that feels so good as coming back to church after being sick for a long time. Hehe, I know all about children adding a bit too much life to the church at times;)

    Kellie - A very wonderful day...except for...well, you know;)

    Amy - I never would have thought I'd look well in beige, but I guess I was wrong!

    Tiffany - YES! Fantastic incentive!! Thank you for stopping by! :)

  8. That style is really flattering on you, Dahling. And the little sheep pin? Totally you!

    God bless,

  9. That is an awesome dress!! Thanks for joining my Sunday Style Link Up...I would love for you to add another outfit today :)

  10. Thank you, Tom! I love my little sheep pin:)

    I'm so enjoying your linkups, Jenny! Thank you for hosting and for taking the time to stop by and say hello:)


Comments are my one weakness - thanks for taking the time to say hello!