
June 25, 2013

:grey: & {yellow}

"enjoy today", the Lord whispers to me.

it's not always easy.

but He gives me the strength to choose {happiness}.

Happy Trails, y'all!

Question: What has the Lord been whispering to you?  I want to know!


  1. Hhhm. He's been whispering two things to me.

    1) to trust. My job is up in the air right now, I might leave work on Friday and not have a job on Monday (and not know about it until Monday to boot!) and this whole thing has been LOOOOOONG (like several months long)in the workings, so I've sort of been holding my breath for that long, wondering about my job and what I'm going to do if I lose it.

    2) and He's been whispering "talk to me." Like, when I'm driving to work in the mornings or down the long country roads around turn off the music, turn off the audio book...and just talk to Him. Such amazing opportunities to talk to Him, really. Nobody but me and Him.

  2. How easy it is for me to get caught up in the "can't wait until" enthusiasm. It is true, however, that we are not promised another day . That being known, I often "hear" enjoy right now. Celebrate right now. Live fully right now. Likewise, don't dwell on past not so good times. They are gone and no longer matter. Don't allow them to ruin this day. This moment.

  3. Besides being a time waster for me :), Pinterest has been SO helpful as a place to gather uplifting, encouraging and even some comical quotes and verses as key reminders when I'm ready to throw in the towel. In addition to the quote that you already have in this post about enjoying life rather than waiting for things to happen, here are a couple more that have been helpful to me lately:
    1) God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don't have now, we don't need now - Elisabeth Elliot
    2) Don't worry about tomorrow. God is already there. (!)
    3) Our hearts are restless until they rest in You. - Augustine

    Wow! There are so many more that I could put here, but I hope that you get the idea.

  4. Kellie - I've had you in my prayers. Learning to trust Him with every area of our lives is so hard sometimes. But when we completely let go and put it in His Such perfect peace and joy!
    I needed to hear this - "talk to me". I'm guilty of just flipping on the music when I'm driving and kind of zoning out, but it truly is the perfect time to just talk with Him. Thank you for the reminder!

    Winnie - True. There's nothing wrong with looking forward to the future, but not at the expense of the present. Not if we're missing the little things in life.

    Francine - Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by and said howdy! :)
    Haha, yes. Pinterest can be a huge time waster, but so encouraging as well!
    Thank you so much for sharing those quotes with me. I've been pondering the Elisabeth Elliot one for the past several weeks. She's so right.


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