
June 8, 2013

Bashing About Town

Can't you see us? Bashing about London town?

My bro had some errands to run in town yesterday, so I decided to tag along.  It was interesting to see what he does on his town days.  Mostly PR for his many business ventures.

I brought Les Miz along to read while I was waiting for him in the car.  I'm just starting the "2nd book", Cosette.  I think the entire book is going to take me at least all summer to finish.  Not because it's boring, but because it's so much book!  Not the kind I can just speed read through.  I am enjoying it very much though, don't get me wrong! *smile*

I wore my cherry shoes and my Doctor Who necklace.  They make me happy.

This is Jeffery...

Yep, he's a raccoon pelt with a taxidermied head.  Kind of neat.  He's in the car because Alex is trying to find him a new home and make some $$ in the process.  More on that later.

We stopped at Super 1 to get a snack and say hi to a few friends who work there.
This + string cheese was our lunch...

Oh, and we stopped by a friend's coffee shop where we both got Peach smoothies with whipped cream.  Yep, those are 24 oz. cups - we splurged. ;)

Then it was downtown to The Shops where Alex left one of his books off at a super cool toy store called Fig Pickles.  I would have gone crazy in there as a kid...who am I kidding?  I went crazy in there today!  As you can see, I didn't even remember to take pictures.  Which is tragic, because their book section was AMAZING.  It was like stepping into a fairy world.  Loved it.

We walked down the street to our favorite antique store, Wiggets.  If I had a million dollars to spend, I could easily spend it all at Wiggets, and not because their prices are outrageous.  They have such fantastic stuff!

I thought this "thing" was interesting...well, what would you call it?

I guess it's a desk, but the two chairs are attached at either end with hinges.
Kind of cool, but...???

Ahh...the books.

The smell, the feel of old books...there were at least ten I wanted to take home with me. 
I had to settle for two.  Better than nothing, right?

I came away with a very nice copy of Ivanhoe and a book called Bob, Son of Battle.  It had a sheep dog with sheep on the dust jacket, which captured my attention.  Looks like a good read, but we'll see.

Then we walked a few blocks further to another antique store, Ciscos.

This place is packed full of cowboy and indian memorabilia, animal mounts, and all kinds of other mountain man stuff.  Neat, but the mounts make me nervous after a while. *wink* Also, everything is so outrageously expensive, I honestly don't see how they stay in business.  It's more like a museum than anything.

Alex brought Jeffery in with him to ask how much they thought he/it was worth and see if they might want to buy him.  They didn't buy him, so Jeffery is still with us.  I'm glad - I've grown rather attached to him. *smile*

I did discover the book section at Ciscos where I found something interesting...

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture?  Something about the wrong era...and country??
Book cover FAIL.

I thought these stacks of wool blankets looked cool...

My computer ate some of the pictures I took, or else I'd show you these really cool marble bottles they had. 
Oh well.

A quick stop at Goodwill, where I found a pair of Converse tennis shoe look-a-likes for $3, then a stop at the bank and then home we went.  We had way too much fun bashing about town together.  Some days you carry with you as a beautiful memory of the good times, and this was one of those days.

Happy Trails, y'all!

Question: what did you do this week?  I want to know!


  1. Ahhh! Love it! I just went antique shopping last week...LOVE antique shops. :)

  2. This is so beautiful.
    Haha!! EPIC book cover fail there... That's awesome;D

  3. I love a good day of knocking about with no particular agenda or timeframe. Just running errands and poking about . You came across some interesting things in your store visits and those old books are perfect for summer reading in the hammock! What did I do this past week??? Well, we had our first tropical storm hit Florida and we had the pre-rain, rain, and post rain!!! So, the week was consumed with RAIN and work. Tis the season down here!! ha!

  4. Days out like that are so fun! I love your shoes...and those smoothies look really awesome. ;)

  5. Those shelves of old books nearly made me drool, Tasha. So gorgeous! Your self-control in leaving with only two is admirable. :D

    And that Henty cover is hilarious! I'll have to show my brother... he'll get a kick out of it (especially since that one's his favorite).

  6. I loved Les Miserables! I just finished it a few weeks ago. The chapters about Waterloo were very tedious reading but the story is wonderful. I hope you enjoy it!
    ~ Catherine

  7. I just found your blog. It's lovely! And on a random note, I used to have cherry shoes JUST like those. ^_^ I miss them again.

    -Leah Kathryn

  8. Ally - Did you score any finds while you were antiquing? I could - and sometimes do - spend hours in antique shops. Love it!

    Kellie - Hehe, I knew you'd appreciate that;D

    Winnie - Wow, hope you're not all flooded out down there! ;)

    Amy - Thank you...and yes, they were completely awesome. ;)

    Tayler - Yeah, that's about what I did. Oh, it wasn't self control - it was limited funds. Believe me;)
    I hope your brother enjoyed the book cover;)

    Catherine - That's the only problem with the classics. There's usually one or two extremely tedious points where you almost give up...but if you keep going, they are well worth the time spent!

    Leah - Welcome! I'm so glad you dropped in a left a note!
    Oh how funny that you had the same pair of shoes! I'm going to be very sad when mine die:'(
    Hope to see you here again!


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