
July 9, 2011

Summer is...

...making music with friends
...running through the sprinklers
...playing croquet
...daisy wars (yes, daisy wars;)
...sipping iced tea
...going for long walks
...singing in the rain
...also dancing in the rain
...days spent at the lake
...cute blouses
...flip flops
...napping on the glider swing
...gazing at the stars
...sleepy kitties
...having fun
...trail rides
...road trips
...good times with family and friends
...polka dots
...dirty bare feet
...straw hats
...sleeping in
...getting up early
...bucking hay bales
...getting ice cream at the Little Town Market
...hiking at Farragut
...reading your Bible outside
...staying up late watching movies
...playing badminton (Idaho hick style)
...frequent trips to the library
...Airsoft battles (I don't personally enjoy it, but it is part of summer:)
...getting a farmer's tan;)
...enjoying life
...picking cherries
~Summer is wonderful~

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